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Pundarika Vidyanidhi

Page history last edited by Juan Castañeira 15 years, 2 months ago

Pundarika Vidyanidhi


He was King Vrishabhanu in Vrajalila. A rich landowner. Disciple of Madhavendra Puri. Good friend of Madhava Mishra. Gadadhara Pandit took diksha from him. Even before they met Mahaprabhu called out his name, "Oh my father" while in kirtana. L.C. called him Premnidhi. Good friend of Swarupa Damodara.


Gadadhara went with Mukunda Datta to see him because Mahaprabhu had said that G.P. (who was very attached to Srimad Bhagavatam) should learn S.B, from P.V. P.V. was sitting on an opulent bed, wearing fancy silk clothes and was even smoking a hookah. G.P. doubted him, but M.D. sang a verse from S.B. and P.V. fell off his bed, crying in ecstacy. The verse was about the goal attained by Putana in 3rd Canto.




Cuadro General

Devotees Vaishnavas | SWAMIS

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