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Raghava Pandita (Panihati kadamba flowers miracle)

Page history last edited by Juan Castañeira 15 years, 3 months ago

Raghava Pandita (Panihati kadamba flowers miracle)


At that time Nityananda told Raghava, "Bring me a garland of kadamba flowers." Raghava Pandita asked, "Prabhu, where will I get kadamba flowers? It isn't the rainy season now." Nityananda told him, "Go and look in the garden." Raghava Pandita went into to the garden and saw a miraculous sight. On a lemon tree were many kadamba flowers in full blossom. Thus he became completely subdued by ecstatic love and his external consciousness receded. He at once picked all the flowers and strung a beautiful garland. Bringing this garland to Nityananda Prabhu, he placed it on His shoulders while the devotees roared with ecstasy. Seeing the glories of Nityandanda Prabhu, the devotees were completely transported to the world of utter amazement.


Then Nityananda Prabhu revealed to their eyes even further transcendental pastimes. At one point, as all the devotees were sitting down, the room became pervaded with the scent of a flower called Damanak. (donna?) Nityananda asked them, "Now which flower scent do you smell?" Everyone replied, "Damanak."


Nityananda Prabhu told them, "I will explain to you this mystery. Today Caitanya Gosai has come here from Nilacal, being attracted by your kirtana. On his transcendental body is a garland of damanak flowers, all picked from one tree. Thus this room has been filled with the ecstasy of that scent. Simply due to your ecstatic dancing and chanting, Mahaprabhu has come here from Nilacala." [C.B.Ant 5/294-297]


Hearing His words the devotees became filled with wonder.






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Devotees Vaishnavas | SWAMIS

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