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Page history last edited by Juan Castañeira 15 years, 2 months ago



He was a disciple of Virabhadra Gosvami and hailed from the Pippali clan in Sripata Jhamatpur. Virabhadra married Yadunandana's two daughters, Srimati and Narayani (Prema-vilasa 24, BRK. 13.250). Yadunandana's wife was Laksmi (BRK. 13.251-255)




He was a brahmana disciple of Dasa Gadadhara and hailed from Sripata Katoa (BRK. 9.352). On the occasion of the disappearance of Dasa Gadadhara, he invited devotees from all over to celebrate a festival in honor of Sri Gadadhara. According to Haridasa Dasa (GVA. P. 161) family priests who serve the Deity of Mahaprabhu at Katoa in Burdwan, are Yadunandana's descendants (See "Gadadhara Dasa"). He made some contribution to Padavali literature.




He was the teacher of Rasikananda when the later was a child. (Rasikamangala Purva 9.27)




He was a Vaidya by caste and a disciple of Hemalata, the daughter of Srinivasa Acarya. His Sripata was at Malihati village (or Meleti) to the north of Katoa. He wrote the book titled Karnananda which contains a biography of Srinivasa Acarya.


Upon hearing this book Hemalata Devi was deeply impressed and named it Karnananda. Yadunandana acquired great fame for his lucid translations of Vidagdhamadhava, Govindalilamrta and Krsnakarnamrta. His poems have been included in Padamrtasamudra. See the book Vaisnava Sahitya O Yadunandana for details.


The following is from GPC:


This Yadunandana dasa was one of the five followers of Sri Caitanya whose names were Yadunandana. In 1459 Saka the great composer Sri Yadunandana dasa was born in the village of Khalihati, which was situated on the western bank of the Bhagirathi and the northern part of Kantakanagara, 13 crosa south of the district of Mursidabad.


He belonged to a Vaidya family and was a favorite disciple of Srimati Hemalata, daughter of Srinivasa Acarya. In his book Karnananda, Sri Yadunandana dasa mentions the name of his guru at the end of every chapter and respectfully glorifies her: "Hemalata, the daughter of Srinivasa Acarya Prabhu, is just like a creeper of divine love and is a beautiful creation of the Supreme Lord. I, Yadunandana dasa, take pleasure in writing the book Karnananda, keeping her lotus feet fixed within my heart."


He translated Sri Govinda-lilamrta in verse and in that book he states:


"Worship the feet of guru which is the only abode of peace and which is the mine of all good qualities. The daughter of Acarya Prabhu is Sri Hemalata, whose name can bring fulfillment of all desires. Finding me in utter darkness of ignorance and in utter damnation, She gave me her kind refuge and by her mercy my eyes have been opened by throwing away the darkness of ignorance."


Srimati Hemalata Thakurani was a wonderful genius amongst the Vaisnavas in Gauda. She, like her father Srinivasa, preached the teaching of Lord Caitanya everywhere. Through her influence even the most wicked persons became interested and attracted to the path of devotion. Sri Yadunandana dasa was very sincere and devoted to his guru. He frequently stayed at the house of Srimati Hemalata in the village of Budhaipara on the western bank of the Bhagirathi, where he served her with utmost care. There are no records available about Yadunandana's marriage or children. He was a versatile genius, composing numerous songs and translating many books into verse. He wrote a book of poetry named Kunjarastava. His translated poetry books are as follows: Govindalilamrta, Krsnakarnamrta, Karnamrta (the original one), Gauralilapada and Krsnalila padas, etc.






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